
There are two elements to the Transactions feature. The main log of the transactions and the transaction types.

To access the log of transactions, hover over the MDJM Event menu then click on Transactions.

The transactions page is there to log any manual transactions that are not associated to any event. To log a transaction, click on the Add Transaction at the top of the page and fill out the details in the Transaction Details box.

You are unable to change the transaction ID to avoid confusion in the database.

You can set the date the transaction happened, whether it was incoming or outgoing, the transaction type and who to. If you leave the Paid From box blank, it will default to the MDJM Super Admin.

The Source would be defined by the box you set in the Payment Types menu.

The Type of transaction can also be set and you can add new ones by hovering over the top MEM Events menu, highlighting the Transactions option and then clicking on Transaction Types.

When you get to the Transaction Types screen, you’ll probably see it looks fairly familiar. It works the same way as the Enquiry Source and Event Types options.

The Transaction Types that have the slug starting with mdjm cannot be deleted as it’ll conflict with the database and these are the default transactions used for events.

If you have our Stripe payment add-on, any transaction that runs through them will have the transaction added automatically, including merchant fees.